Commissioner service is a vital and important concept in Scouting. Members of our volunteer Commissioner Corps embrace the responsibility of impacting the lives of young people and communities by strengthening our units. The first commissioners grew out of a need to serve many units when the capacity of professional Scouters could not match the demand for unit service. Opportunities in today’s world have increased the need for more strong Commissioners. Your Greater Los Angeles Area Council Commissioner team is equipped to partner with you and your unit as you enjoy the Scouting program. The most critical element of this partnership is a solid and positive relationship with your Unit Commissioner. This Scouter is your first and finest resource when you need guidance in program planning, policy interpretation, or encouragement. Unit Commissioners are tasked with providing timely information to help units like yours grow and thrive.

Unit Commissioners receive team support from other Commissioners that serve in specific functions. These positions include District Roundtable Commissioners, Assistant District Commissioners, and one District Commissioner for each Scouting District. Our District Commissioners are supported by a team of Assistant Council Commissioners that I lead as our Council Commissioner. We each take an oath every year to provide the best service we can for unit health and prosperity in the Greater Los Angeles Area Council.
