Welcome to Belcher Foundation Eagle Scout Scholarship

The Donald D. and M. Marie Belcher Charitable Foundation has established a special scholarship fund for Eagle Scouts who have plans to attend a four-year college or university following high school graduation.

The funding will be a 2-year $7,000 college scholarship awarded each year in the amount of $3,500 the first year, renewable for a second year, with at least 24 college credits completed and a college grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or above.

To Qualify, Applicants Must Meet the Following Criteria

  • Have attained the rank of Eagle Scout in the Greater Los Angeles Area Council, Boy Scouts of American and be currently registered in Scouting as youth or adult.
  • Be a graduating high school senior entering college in the year for which the school year for which the scholarship is applied.
  • Have achieved a high school un-weighted cumulative GPA at or above 3.0.
  • Have demonstrated leadership ability in Scouting and a strong record of participation in activities outside of Scouting.
  • Have need of financial assistance and provide a statement clearly stating why they believe they need financial assistance, signed by the applicant and countersigned by a parent.
  • Plan to attend an accredited four-year college or university.
  • Show evidence of the desire, commitment and capacity to complete an undergraduate college degree.
  • Provide one signed recommendation letter from a Scout leader who knows the applicant personally.

Applicants who have served as summer camp counselors/staff will receive special consideration in the selection process.

The scholarship funds can be used for tuition, room, board and books for as long as a recipient remains a full-time student during the life of the scholarship. The funds will only be paid directly to the college/university that the recipient attends.

All documents must be scanned and submitted to the Greater Los Angeles Area Council through the web address below no later than April 3, 2025.

Recipients along with their family will be notified of their selection by April 15, 2025.  Please Click Here remit your completed application.

* Applications received after the due date will not be considered.